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Course Description:高等数学
Course TitleAdvanced Mathematic
Course Code0500013,0500023
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
This course will provide students the following topics of mathematics:
  1. Calculus with one or more variables.

  2. Vectors and linear algebra

  3. Analytic geometry and differential equations and so on.

The purpose of this course is to enhance students’ mathematics knowledge, to increase the capability of abstract thinking, logic deduction, logic inference and creative thinking.
Teaching Contents
  1. Sequence, series, functions, limit, and derivatives with geometric meaning.

  2. Continuous and differential functions, fundamental theorem of calculus

  3. Basic theorems and methods of integration and differentiation

  4. Partial differentiation of multi-values functions and its geometric property and applications to optimal problems.

  5. Some methods of solving differential equations, and so on.

  6. Classical major methods to solve integration and differentiation problems.

Teaching Methodlectures
Hours5-6 hours per week, 186 hours in total
Assessmentwritten assessment
Course Description:线性代数
Course TitleLinear Algebra
Course Code0500043
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Linear algebra is a main basic course for all majors in engineer. The main purpose of this course is to enable the students to master the basic definition, theory, method and calculation skill of linear algebra by all kinds of Teaching Method. Students will gain abilities to analyze and solve problems in use of computers and a firm basis for later work and research. That makes it possible that student can study other related subsequent courses to become a professional in engineering technology, research and other new science fields.
Teaching Contents
(1) Determinant 
(2) matrix 
(3) the elementary transformation matrix and linear equations 
(4) Vector Group's linear correlation 
(5) similar matrix and quadratic 
(6) linear space and linear transformation
TextbookLinear Algebra, 4th, Tongji University
Teaching Methodlectures
Hours3 hours per week, 54 hours in total
Assessmentwritten assessment
Course Description:程序设计基础
Course TitleFundamentals of program design
Course Code0500393
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
This course provides students the principles of programming design with a way of designing animation. With the aid of ALICE, all of the abstract concepts such as variable, function, object, method and attribute will be some graphical elements. Students use these basic elements to design program and get a small interactive game or animation. This Teaching Method can not only inspire students’ interest, but also put a solid foundation for advanced courses.
Teaching Contents
1.Basic concepts of program design
2.Function, variable and program structure
3.Basic concepts of Object-Oriented design
4.Method and Inheritance
5.Event and Interaction
6.Control Structures
7.Loop and Recursion
Wanda P.Dann, Stephen Cooper, Randy Pausch. Learning to Program with Alice. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2006.
Teaching Methodlectures and lab exercises
Hours2 hours per week,36hours (18 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessmentwritten assessment and experiment assessment
Course Description:C/C++程序设计
Course TitleProgramming in C/C++
Course Code0500183
CategoryCompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Programming in C/C++ is another basic course for computer science majors and the following  goals will be achieved:
1.Basic principles of good programming; Structured programming and basic control flow; Enhance students’ ability of problem solving and program design techniques
2.Syntax and Semantics of C/C++ programming languages
3.Object oriented programming methodology.
Teaching Contents
1.Basic concept about programming, including data types, variables, operators, arrays, pointers, sentence and control flow, functions and structured programming;
2.OOP(object-oriented programming): class and abstraction of data, operator overloading, derived, virtual functions input and output stream;
(1) 谭浩强、张基温等编著,《C语言程序设计教程》,高等教育出版社
(2)(美)H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel著 薛完鹏等译,《C++程序设计教程》,机械工业出版社
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours 6 hours per week,108 hours (72 hours lectures and 36 hours lab exercise)
Assessment Written assessment and experiment assessment
Course Description:离散数学
Course TitleDiscrete Mathematics
Course Code0500033
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Discrete mathematics is a combination of many subfields of mathematics to form a core mathematical course for computer science. The objective of this course is to let student have solid foundation of theory and methodology of discrete mathematics for their future needs in research or engineering tasks. This course will train students to have strong abstract thinking, creativity ability, and the capability to accomplish important tasks. 
Teaching Contents
1Sets, relations and its fundamental algebraic properties and operations.
2Logic fundamentals
3Boolean algebra
5Fundamental of graph theory and its representation.
TextbookBernard Kolman,<<Discrete mathematical structures>>(fourth edition),
Pearson education
Teaching Methodlectures
Hours4 hours per week, 72hours in total
Assessmentwritten assessment
Course Description:数据结构
Course TitleData Structure
Course Code0500283
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Data structure is another core course for computer science majors and the following two goals will be achieved.
  1. Through studying this course the students is to understand the feasibility and background of each data structure, to learn the representation and realization of each data structure and its related manipulations. Students will be trained to use the appropriate data structures and algorithms to the right problems. Students will understand the elementary algorithms on space computability and time computability.

  2. The process of this course is also a training process for complicated programming. This course demands more than the requirement of programming course. The program written should have correctly readable data structure and algorithm and should be run correctly as well. Students can be trained to have better capability not only to solve the problem but also to realize it in a computer system.

Teaching Contents
Lectures have 72 hours in total. The major content includes studying the property, characteristics, representation, application of all the basic data structures like queue, linked list, binary tree, tree, forest, heap and so on. All the data structures will be arranged in order and be given searching algorithms and be implemented in C++.
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours 5 hours per week,90hours (72 hours lectures and 18hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment 
Course Description:概率论与数理统计
Course TitleProbability and statistics
Course Code0500053
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Probability and statistics are subfields of mathematics to study problems related to randomness and uncertainty. Both fields have developed to be major fields in mathematics to contain lots of content and useful result. Through this course students will understand the central topics of theory and analytic methods and build up the capability to solve the real world problems. 
Teaching Contents
1Probability and its fundamentals
2Random variable and distribution.
3Multi-dimensional random variable and their distributions.
4Expectation and variance
5Law of large number and central limit theorem
6Estimation of parameters
7Testing hypotheses.
Teaching Methodlectures
Hours3 hours per week, 54 hours in total
Assessmentwritten assessment
Course Description:数据库原理
Course TitlePrinciple of Database
Course Code0511193
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Teach students theory, concepts, and methodology of database. Teach them how to model a database, how to design relational database, and how to use sql. This course is suitable for computer science and information science majors. The future development of database is also studied.
Teaching Contents
1.Fundamental of database systems
2.Building a database model.
3.Relational database
4.Relational algebra
5.Database language SQL
6.System aspects of SQL
Lab contents
write SQL statements (including create database, queries,alter schema etc.) in SQL SERVER or MS ACCESS environments. 
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours 4 hours per week,72 hours (64 hours lectures and 8 hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment
Course Description:计算机网络
Course TitleComputer Network
Course Code0500293
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Understand the structure, protocol, theory and principles of computer network. Learn the common methodology and settings of network parameters. Teach students using common network commands and tool-software. The purpose of this course is to give students a foundation of networking knowledge for their future advance study or research on networking.
Teaching Contents
1. Fundamental of networking
2.Network architecture
3.Fundamental of Telecommunication
4.Network Layers
5.Local Area Network
Teaching Method lectures and experiments
Hours 4 hours per week,72 hours (60 hours lectures and 12 hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment
Course Description:数据库管理系统
Course TitleDatabase Management System
Course Code0500213
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
This course emphasizes the design, management and realization of a database management system. Use powerbuilder to design and realize a database management system.
Teaching Contents
1. Fundamental of database management systems
2.Powerbuilder environment and powerscript languages
3.Building a database system
4.Mastering powerbuilder 
5.Interactive Powerbuilder tool with intranet and internet environment. 
6.SQL in various database management systems, for instance MySQL, Oracle and DB2. 
Lab Teaching Contentsexercise in Powerbuilder environment.
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours 3 hours per week,54 hours (36 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment and experiment assessment
Course Description:操作系统
Course TitleOperating Systems
Course Code0511143 0514015
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives Operating system manages the resources of computer systems. Through this curriculum students will understand the internal management of computer resources, the basic organization of computer system, and the functionality of system processes. Study a few real cases of operating system, for instance, Lynux window XP and Vista. Build up a strong background for students’ future studies and their careers in the industry.
Teaching ContentsThe major content of this course are introduction, process management, memeory management, file management, device management, interrupt, scheduling, deadlock, race condition, polling, kernel, network operating system, the future development of operating system, and Chinese operating system.
Lab Content: Lynux kernel with 12 related components as in the text material.
美国卡内基-梅隆大学计算机系教材,《操作系统概念(第六版  翻译版)》,高等教育出版社
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours 4 hours per week,72 hours (48 hours lectures and 24 hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment
Course Description:计算机网络工程
Course TitleComputer Network Engineering
Course Code0511303
Categoryoptional course
Teaching Objectives
Understand the design and equipments of networks of different types. Learn all the technology of setting up intranet as well as the management of network systems.
Teaching Contents
1. Planning and designing of networks
2.Network flow control and management
3.Switching technology of WAN and LAN
4.IP network routing management
5.Network security design
6.LANs interconnecting
TextbookSelf-edited electronic course book
Teaching Method lectures and experiments
Hours 3 hours per week,54 hours (26 hours lectures and 28 hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment and experiment assessment
Course Description:软件工程
Course Title:Software Engineering
Course Code:0500233
Category:Compulsory course
Teaching ObjectivesStudents should have a firm grasp of the software engineering process. This includes how large-scale software projects are developed, from its inception, to requirements gathering, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. This also includes a large teamwork component, as non-trivial software engineering is almost always performed in a team. Students should also have an idea of how to write proper requirements documents, design documents and other standard reports.
Teaching Contents
(1) Introduction
(2) Software Life-Cycle Models
(3) Requirements
(4) Software Structure – Basic Concepts
(5) Analysis
(6) Reusability and Portability
(7) Design
(8) Implementation
(9) Testing
(10) Teamwork
(11) Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
Stephen R. Schach, Object-Oriented Classical Software Engineering, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours4 hours per week,72 hours(36 hours lectures and 36 hours lab exercise)
Assessment:Final software engineering project
Course Description:自然语言处理
Course TitleNatural Language Processing 
Course Code0500035
Categoryoptional course
Teaching Objectives
(1) The first aim of this course is to guide students to analyze the basic problems and grasp the fundamental approaches in the fields of Natural Language Processing, for the purpose of further learning and researching in the relevant fields.
(2) The second aim is to foster the students’ability of computer application and the research methodology of“Practice—Theory—Practice”.
(3) The third aim is to improve and strengthen the ability of programming and coding.
Teaching Contents
(1) Introduction
(2) Chinese character processing: Computer oriented coding of Chinese character; Principles, data structures and algorithms of some important applications.
(3) Chinese word processing: Uses and difficulties; The basic algorithms and techniques of word segmentation; The basic methods of new words detecting; Important application technologies and their principles.
(4) Summary of sentence processing
ProjectsTransitional probability calculating, String retrieval, Transformation from Pinyin to Chinese characters, Chinese word segmentation
TextbookSelf-edited electronic course book
Teaching Methodlectures and lab exercises
Hours3 hours per week, 54 hours in total
Assessmentwritten assessment
Course Description:Windows 程序设计
Course TitleWindows Programming 
Course Code0500055
Categoryoptional course
Teaching Objectives
(1)Study principles and methods of window programming in visual C++ environment.
(2)Through lab exercises to enhance capability of solving and programming real problems.
Teaching Contents
(1)Principles and methods of window programming
(2)Programming dialog box
(3)Document-visual structure programming
(4)DLL programming
(5)Multi-thread programming design
(6)Database connectivity based on ODBC, DAO
ProjectsTransitional probability calculating, String retrieval, Transformation from Pinyin to Chinese characters, Chinese word segmentation
TextbookSelf-edited electronic course book
Teaching Methodlectures and lab exercises
Hours3 hours per week, 54 hours in total
Assessmentexperiment assessment
Course Description:Java 语言程序设计
Course TitleProgramming in Java
Course Code0500055
Categoryoptional course
Teaching Objectives and ContentsThe goal of this class to give students a single semester introduction to the Java programming language. Students will learn the basic syntax of the language as well as how to implement important computer science concepts in Java. The following subjects will be covered: Java background and history, the Java Virtual Machine, creating Java applications, Java data types, inputting and outputting, Object Oriented programming with Java, control statements, Java API, static methods and fields, arrays, access control, constants, Java packages, Java inheritance, and Java polymorphism. Labs will be held once a week so that students can practice what they learned during the lecture.
TextbookJava: Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 5/E by Walter Savitch
Publisher: Prentice Hall, 2008
Teaching Methodlectures and lab exercises
Hours4 hours per week,72 hours(36 hours lectures and 36 hours lab exercise)
Assessment Student’s grades will be based on homework, participation in the lab, and the final Assessment. The final Assessment will include a programming activity in the lab as well as a written test.
Course Description:Internet and Web 技术概论
Course TitleInternet and Web Technology
Course Code
Category:optional course
Teaching Objectives
Through this course, students can have a clear understanding of Web technologies, and integrate with a variety of Web technologies to write simple Web applications.
Teaching Contents
Internet and Web overview, writing Web documents, configuration of Web server,   principle of CGI, Web applications development with ASP.NET.
Lab Contents (1) Study protocols of Internet, such as Email and FTP.
(2) Study the architecture of DNS.
(3) Master HTTP and related technologies, such as URL, MIME, and COOKIES etc.
(4) Write HTML documents with Notepad.
(5) Write JavaScript codes.
(6) Write CGI codes.
(7) IIS server configuration.
(8) SQL server configuration.
(9) Study IDE of Visual Studio.NET.
(10) Develop Web applications with ASP.NET.
Textbook Self-edited electronic course book
Teaching Method:lectures and lab exercises
Hours:3 hours per week,54 hours (36 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessment:written assessment
Course Description:管理学
Course TitleManagement
Course Code0514073
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives The purpose of this course is to have students grasp the general principles and methods of modern management through explaining the basic concepts, the processes and methods. And let students build science belief of management, have the basic knowledge for advanced major courses and management practice.
Teaching ContentsThe main contents are divided into five parts.
Part One: Introduction and the manager’s terrain –explains the main concepts of management and organizations, organizational culture and environment.
Part Two: Planning –includes decision making, foundations of planning, planning tools and techniques.
Part Three: Organizing –includes organizational structure and design, communication and information technology, human resource management, managing change and innovation.
Part Four: Leading –includes the foundations of individual behavior and organizational behavior, motivating employees, and the theories of leadership.
Part Five: controlling – This part explains the control process and tools for controlling organizational performance.
TextbookStephen P. Robbins. Management (8/e), Tsinghua University Press, 2006.10
Teaching MethodLectures, simulation of enterprise competition decision-making, and case application
Hours 3 hours per week, 54 hours in total
Assessment written assessment
Course Description:管理信息系统
Course TitleManagement Information system
Course Code0514083
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives The purpose of this course is to integrate the information science and management science. Through studying this course students understand the fundamental principle and methods of management from organizer and manager’s point of view to realize how the information technology (IT) to improve and change the art of management so that the enterprise management gains more superior in competition. In the mean time this course will let student realize IT is a sword with double blades; when applying IT to management, one should emphasize to strengthen the special management on IT. Eventually this course will let student understand only one who has the knowledge of IT and management can better use IT to management and organization.
Teaching ContentsThe main contents are divided into four parts.
Part One: Essential Concept – provides the course foundation, explains business operations in systems terms and provides the framework for understanding how managers and information specialists solve problems. Also describes the frameworks that have been devised to guide users and information specialists in the process of systems development.
Part Two: Information Resources –includes Computing and communications resources, Database Management System, and systems development
Part Three: Managing information and technology – explains information security, and ethical implications of information technology.
         Part Four: Project – provides the basic skilled practices that end-user computing needs grasp.
TextbookRaymond Mcleod,Jr, George Schell. Management Information Systems (9/e). Peking University Press, 2006.04
Teaching Methodlectures and lab exercises
Hours 4 hours per week,72 hours (54 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment
Course Description:电子商务
Course TitleElectronic Commerce
Course Code0511105,0514053
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching ObjectivesElectronic commerce is the commercial activity by means of electronic instruments. The purpose of this course is to help the students to understand its basic concepts, theories and techniques. An original edition textbook in English is adapted in this course. The students will apply the theories with practice by case analysis, society investigation and brain storms. They will learn basic technologies for making of video, image and Web site. They will be able to develop simple Web sites with multimedia effects.
Teaching ContentsIt includes its definition, basic framework, key technology, online marketing, electronic banking, security, and the issues on logistics, law and others in electronic commerce.
Textbook:Gary P.Schneider,Electronic Commerce,machine publishing house ,2006.8 ,1st edition; Textbook on Premiere, Photoshop, Dreamweaver
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours3 hours per week,54 hours(36 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment
Course Description:信息系统分析与设计
Course TitleInformation System Analysis and Design
Course Code0514093
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives:This course helps students master the basic methods and skills of information system construction and management, develops the students’ ability to solve practical problems, and builds foundation knowledge for the students in methods and skills for graduate design and the future professional career.
Teaching Contents:The basic concepts of information system, information system planning, structured system analysis, information system design and implementation, object-oriented method, information system construction and management, and modeling software of information system analysis and design.
Lab Contents:(1) Study the modeling software of information system analysis and design, such as Microsoft Office Visio, Rational Rose.
(2) 4~6 students per group. Complete a project of information analysis, design and implementation. Submit analysis and design report.
Textbook 邝孔武/王晓敏,《信息系统分析与设计》(第3版),清华大学出版社
Teaching Method:lectures and lab exercises
Hours:4 hours per week,72 hours(54 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessment: written assessment
Course Description:应用统计学
Course TitleStatistics and its applications
Course Code0514103
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Through learning this course, students can grasp the basic theories and methods of statistics and know the relationship between statistics and other courses. Students will be skilled to have statistics design, investigation and analysis in use of statistics methods and improved the ability of carrying on scientific research and solving practical problem.
Teaching Contents
In accordance with the general understanding of the process of statistical activities, the course begins with the qualitative problems, then turns to the quantitative problems, and integrates the qualitative problem with quantitative ones. The statistics work according to the process is divided into four stages, statistical design, statistical investigation, statistical processing, and statistical analysis.
TextbookSelf-edited electronic course book
Teaching Methodlectures and lab exercises
Hour54 hours (36 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessmentwritten assessment
Course Description:运筹学
Course TitleIntroduction to operation research
Course Code
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives
Operation Research is a specialized basic course in the study of Information Management. The course uses quantitative method to deal with the problems of management. With the application of the measurement of economic activity as the main body, the course mainly makes use of mathematical methods to study various functional relationships among the systems and the optimal problems of decision-making. The program will teach students how to enhance the management decision-making from the overall point of view to solve problems. Study how to enhance the efficiency of management and scientific decision-making, and how to enhance business leaders’ ability of formulating medium and long-term planning, managing enterprises, and solving the day-to-day problems of the government departments or the private sector. The characteristic of the problems in decision-making and management can be modeled. The methods of developing the model can be in mathematics and/or other scientific approach. And then through the use of computers to solve problem with model, we can obtain references to provide for policy makers.
The purpose of the course is to enable students master the main operational research model and to understand the effect of operation research models and quantitative analysis method in solving the problems in the management and improving efficiency. The methods and skills are initially grasped which translate the actual management problems into the model of operations research. And the students will use the model of operations research software to address the relatively simple practical problems. During the process of teaching of the course, derivation and the complex mathematical calculation methods will not be focused on. However, the emphasis is to make the trainees to understand the basic idea of model solution and develop modeling capability. If condition is permitted students will be required to solve the operations research software by using some maturity models.
The main Teaching Contents of the course
l Overview of operations Research
l Linear Programming 
l Dual Problem
l Transportation Problem
l Integer Linear Programming and Assignment Mode
l Goal Programming
Textbook Fundamentals of operation and its application, Hu Yunquan, High Edu. Press
Teaching Methodlectures and lab exercises
Hours3 hours per week,54 hours (36 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessmentwritten assessment
Course Description:信息经济学
Course TitleInformation Economics
Course Code0514063,0511155
Categorycompulsory course
Teaching Objectives and ContentsHelp students understand the basic concepts of information economics. Let students to have capability to analyze the cost, efficiency, and assessment of information and information systems from economics point of view.
Textbook:《信息经济学》乌家培等 高等教育出版社
Teaching Method:lectures
Hours:3 hours per week, 54 hours in total
Assesment:written assessment
Course Description:计算机安全
Course TitleComputer Security
Course Code0511075
Categoryoptional course
Teaching Objectives
Understand the major theory and technology of computer security. This course is not only to develop student’s ability to analysis and diagnosis system hidden security problems but also to develop the capability to protect against possible security attacks from others.
Teaching Contents
(1) Introduction
(2) Computer environment security
(3) Security of operating systems
(4) Network security
(5) Software security
TextbookSelf-edited electronic course book
Teaching Methodlectures and experiments
Hours3 hours per week,54 hours (36 hours lectures and 18 hours lab exercise)
Assessmentopen book test
Course Description:ERP 原理及应用
Course TitleERP principle and application
Course Code
Categoryoptional course
Teaching Objectives The purpose of this course is to have students grasp the operational management and implementation methods of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) through explaining the basic principle and business processes, practicing the UFIDA’s ERP software, and simulating the manufacturing process of a case company in ERP.
Teaching Contents The main Teaching Contents are divided into two parts.
Part Onethe basic principle and business processes of a manufacturing enterprise, especially the material required management process.
Part Twopractice of UFIDA’s ERP software, including production planning, supply chain management, manufacture management, financial management.
Textbook Self-edited electronic course book
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours3 hours per week,54 hours(18 hours lectures and 36 hours lab exercise)
Assessment experiment assessment
Course Description:数据库与商业智能
Course TitleDatabase andBusiness Intelligence
Course Code
Categoryoptional course
Teaching Objectives
Business intelligence is comprehension application of database, OLAP, and data mining. Data mining is a very interesting and useful database research subfield. With specialized methods and algorithms, data mining will predict useful result in the ocean of large data environment. Studying the theory, algorithms and technology of database, OLAP, and data mining not only can make students understand the inside of data mining technology but also can make them understand the future trend of the development for database research and applications.
Teaching Contents
 1. Business Intelligence introduction
 2. Introduction to data warehouse
 3.Structure and model of data warehouse
 4.Prediction analysis
 5.OLAP technology
 6.Data mining and knowledge patterns
 7. Common algorithms of data mining
Lab Teaching Contents:Use sqlserver Analysis Services and IDA to model and realize data mining applications.
Teaching Method lectures and lab exercises
Hours3 hours per week,54 hours (18 hours lectures and 36 hours lab exercise)
Assessment written assessment and experiment assessment
Course Description:信息管理
Course titleIntroduction to information management
Course Code
Categorypublic required
Teaching ObjectivesandContents Teach students how to use MS Access to design and manage small relational database in window systems and intranet environment. This course is suitable for all majors. Fundamental of database information management is introduced.
Textbook白艳等,《Access数据库应用技术》, 中国铁道出版社
Teaching Methodlectures and lab exercises
Hours4 hours per week,72 hours (36 hours lectures and 36 hours lab exercise)
Assessmentwritten assessment and experiment assessment
