English Language and Literature


    D05020101理论语言学经典选读D05020102事件语义学理论D05020103语言学与语言习得理论中的功能主义观本课程的主要内容是韩礼德的系统功能语言学理论和他的功能主义儿童第一语言习得理论。 Halliday, M. A. K. 1994. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. Edward Arnold. Webster, J. (ed.) The Language of Early Childhood by Halliday, M. A. K. Continuum. 胡壮麟,2000,《功能主义纵横谈》,外语教学与研究出版社。D05020104语言测试名著研读 本课程的主要任务是研读语言测试学的名著,从而深入把握不同语言测试模型的特征。教材:1.Lado, R. 1961. Language Testing. McGraw Hill. Harris, D. 1969.2.Testing English as a Second Language. McGraw HIll. Oller, J. 1979. 3.Language Tests at School. Longman. Caroll, B. 1980. 4.Testing Communicative Performance. Pergamon. McNamara, T. 1996. 5.Measuring Second Language Performance. Longman. Bachman, L. 1990. 6.Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. CUP.D05020105经典叙事学D05020138后经典叙事学D05020225小说与小说诗学理论研究授课目标:开设这门课程的宗旨是帮助英美文学方向的博士研究生更全面地掌握小说诗学及其叙事理论,系统地了解西方小说的发展和嬗变,即小说创作理念从传统向现代主义再向后现代主义的演变,以便使学生更好地把握现代小说的后现代审美特征;培养学生们对作品的批评、评论能力和研究、思辨能力,为撰写博士论文做准备。 授课内容:本课程主要讲授现代西方小说诗学及叙事理论和现当代(尤其是二战之后的)西方小说创作方法及理念的发展、嬗变和各种新小说流派、批评理论及文化思潮。除了宏观性对小说诗学和叙述理论的讲座外,本课程侧重对小说家的创作理论和批评实践的探讨,因此主要聚焦于几位颇具影响力的实验派或先锋派作家的小说创作理论及文学批评观点,因而需要学生课后细读相关文本,让学生们(结合所学的相关文论和叙事理论)针对不同小说话语、创作理论、叙事技巧和策略、主题与形式建构和意识形态等问题在课上进行研讨、陈述。  教材:1. Henry James, “The Art of Fiction”, Longman's Magazine 4 (September 1884) 2. Virginia Woolf, “Modern Fiction” (1919) (reprinted in David Lodge ed. 20th Century Literary Criticism (London  York: Longman Group Ltd., 1983.) 3. D. H. Lawrence, “Morality and the Novel”(1925), “Why the Novel Matters”(1936) (reprinted in David Lodge ed. 20th Century Literary Criticism) 4. Samuel Beckett, “Dante… Bruno. Vico.. Joyce.” Our Exagimination Round hisFactification for Incamination of Work in Progress. ed. G. V. L. Slingsby and Vladimir Dixon. London: Faber and Faber,1972. 3-22. 5. Iris Murdoch, “Against Dryness”, “The Sublime and the Beautiful Revisited”, in Existentialists and Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literature (London: Chatto  Ltd, 1995). 6. John Fowles, “Notes on an Unfinished Novel”, The Novel Today, (ed.)Malcolm Bradbury (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1977). 7. Christine Brooke-Rose, Stories, theories and things (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991). 8. David Lodge, The Modes of Modern Writing (London: Edward Arnold Ltd, 1979).1.Currie, Mark. About Time. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP Ltd., 2007.  2.Bradbury, Malcolm. The Novel Today. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1977.3.Brooke-Rose, Christine. A Rhetoric of the Unreal. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1981. 4.James, Henry. The Art of the Novel. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1934.5.Murdoch, Iris. Existentialists and Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literature. London: Chatto & Windus Ltd, 1995. 6.Watt, Ian. The Rise of the Novel. London: Chatto & Windus, 1963.7.马克•柯里,《后现代叙事理论》(宁一中 译),北京大学出版社,2003年。8.申丹、王丽亚,《西方叙事学:经典与后经典》,北京大学出版社,2010年。"