Notice of Deferred Spring Semester of 2020


关于推迟 2020 年春季学期开学时间的通知

Notice of Deferred Spring Semester of 2020



Dear International Students,

为了防控新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,北京市已经启动突发公共卫生事件一级响应机制。我们遗憾地通知您,根据防控疫情的需要,学校决定推迟 2020 年春季学期开学时间,具体开学时间和后续工作安排另行通知。

Beijing has scaled up the response to major public health emergencies to level one to prevent and control the novel coronavirus outbreak. We regret to inform you that the start of of the upcoming spring semester has been postponed to curb the epidemic until further notice.

为了您的健康和安全,请不要提前到校。等具体开学时间确定后,我们会通过邮件提前通知您,您也可以关注我们的招生网站 了解最新信息。感谢您的理解和配合。

Please don’t come to BLCU beforehand for the sake of your health and safety. The specific starting date will be emailed to you in advance once it is confirmed. Please also keep yourself updated with the notices on our admission website: Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.


Please let us know if you have any other plans, and we will secure a place for you. You’re still welcome to come to study in the future.


Wish you all the best.



2020 1 27

Beijing Language and Culture University

January 27th, 2020