Doctoral Degree on Foreign Language Literature


Doctoral Degree on Foreign Language Literature 

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1. Objective

This program aims to cultivate high-level research-oriented specialists in the discipline of foreign languages and literature that meet the needs of national and social development. The specific requirements are as follows:

1. establish patriotism and collectivism, have good moral quality and a strong sense of enterprise, and be able to aspire to serve the construction and development of the motherland.

2. have a broad and solid theoretical foundation in foreign language and literature; master the frontier information of the development of the discipline; have rich knowledge of related disciplines.

3. have the innovative consciousness of scientific research and the ability of independent scientific research; be able to undertake high-level scientific research, teaching and management of foreign language and literature.


2. Duration

The minimum period of study for doctoral candidates who are not oriented is 3 years, and the minimum period of study for doctoral candidates who are oriented and cannot be fully released is 4 years, and the maximum period of study in school shall not exceed 8 years (including suspension and retention of academic status).


3. Training Method

The training method of doctoral candidates is a combination of course study, scientific research and social practice, focusing on the cultivation of their ability to conduct independent scientific research. The cultivation of doctoral candidates is the responsibility of the doctoral supervisor, and the combination of individual supervision and collective cultivation of the supervisory group is implemented. The supervisory group is usually composed of three to four teachers with the title of associate professor or above, working under the guidance of the supervisor of doctoral candidates.

The supervisor of doctoral candidates shall instruct the students to draw up a cultivation plan according to the provisions in the cultivation program and fill out the Cultivation Plan for Doctoral Candidates of Beijing Language and Culture University within three months after admission. The cultivation plan should be specific according to the requirements of the cultivation program and combined with the personal characteristics of the doctoral candidates. It should have a clear scope of Dissertation selection and make general arrangements for the expected goals and progress requirements of course study, literature reading, scientific research work and dissertation.


4. Dissertation and Degree Awarding (2 credits)

The dissertation is an important part of the training work of postgraduates. The dissertation requires the author to make creative achievements in science or technology on the subject under study, and has great significance to the development of society or the discipline in theory or practice. The dissertation should show that the author has mastered the solid and broad basic theories and systematic and in-depth expertise of the discipline and has the ability to conduct scientific research independently.

1. Before applying for the defense of the dissertation, Chinese doctoral students (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan doctoral students shall refer to the implementation) shall publish at least one core journal paper related to their major, or two regular academic journal papers (including officially published academic proceedings) related to their major, excluding the notice of use. The doctoral student should be the first author of the paper, and BLCU should be the first unit signatory. The recognition of core journals is based on the Classification Table of Academic Journals of Beijing Language and Culture University compiled by the Research Office of our university. If the above requirements are not met, the dissertation defense will not be approved.

2. The doctoral dissertation defense should be applied by the person himself/herself, recommended by the supervisor, and peer experts should be hired to review the dissertation, and the dissertation defense can be organized only after the review is passed. Those who fail to pass the review will be issued a certificate of completion. After revising the dissertation, they can apply for defense again before the next application for the degree is organized by the university.

If the doctoral dissertation defense is approved by the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of the university, the doctoral degree can be awarded and the graduation certificate and the degree certificate can be issued.

If the doctoral dissertation defense is not passed, a certificate of completion will be issued. With the approval of the defense committee, the dissertation can be revised and reapplied for defense once within two years. Those who pass the defense will exchange the certificate of completion for the certificate of graduation and submit it to the Academic Degrees Committee of the university and issue the degree certificate after the examination and approval.

The application and awarding of doctoral degrees shall be carried out in accordance with the Implementation Rules of Degree Awarding Work of Beijing Language and Culture University, the Rules for Writing Dissertations for Postgraduates of Beijing Language and Culture University and the relevant regulations on the evaluation and defense of dissertations.

After the doctoral dissertation has been anonymously reviewed, evaluated, defended and approved by the two degree evaluation committees of the university, two credits will be awarded.