Registration Notice for Chinese Government Scholarship Preparatory students






  1. 来华报到时间是828-830,请在规定的时间内来华报到。

  2. 购买机票时请注意,落地机场是海南三亚凤凰国际机场,我们会有老师在那里接机。

  3. 请务必至少提前7-10(也就是821日之前)把你的机票信息通过邮件或微信发给我们。包括你来中国的日期、航班号

  4. 建议你来中国以前准备一个自己喜欢的中文名字,在中国学习期间这个名字对你来说会非常重要。

  5. 我们建了一个微信群,建议你来华前申请开通微信,并把你的微信号附在邮件里,我们会有老师用微信跟你联系,这一年重要的通知都会在微信群发布。

  6. 联系邮箱地址

  7. 温馨提示:

  1. 由于海南常年气温较高,没有冬天,因此你不用带冬天的厚衣服,最冷的时候穿一件外套就行了。

  2. 请同学们来华时随身携带8张白底小2寸证件照片。





Dear Student,


Welcome to the Chinese Government Scholarship Preparatory Program at the Hainan International College of Beijing Language and Culture University. The beautiful Hainan and our enthusiastic teachers are looking forward to your arrival!

To better prepare for your arrival, the school has some important information for your attention. Please read carefully:

1. The registration dates are from August 28th to August 30th. Please ensure you arrive within this period.

2. When purchasing your plane ticket, please note that the arrival airport is Sanya Phoenix International Airport in Hainan, where our staff will be waiting to pick you up.

3. Please make sure to send us your flight information via email or WeChat at least 7-10 days in advance (by August 21st), including your arrival date and flight number.

4. It is recommended that you prepare a Chinese name you like before coming to China, as this name will be very important during your study here.

5. We have created a WeChat group. It is advised that you activate WeChat before coming to China and include your WeChat ID in your email. Our staff will contact you via WeChat, and important announcements will be made in this group throughout the year.

6.Contact E-mail Address:

7. Friendly reminders:

(1) Since Hainan has a consistently warm climate with no winter, you do not need to bring heavy winter clothes. The coldest it gets is when a jacket suffices.

(2) Please bring 8 ID photos with white background of 2 inches with you when you come to China.

We look forward to welcoming you to Hainan!

Hainan International College of Beijing Language and Culture University

Preparatory Education Center of Beijing Language and Culture University

July 2024